To make my life even more difficult, I had not heard from Daniel the Douchebag in several days. WTF? Seriously!
I was so stressed and irritated. I was jotting down notes during my meeting with Joe and suddenly I burst out, "What the hell is wrong with him?"
Joe looked up from his desk. "Excuse me?"
I sighed and leaned back. Joe swiveled his chair around. "You have got to stop this," he said firmly. "This is not good for you. I wish I could tell you that there is some way to make yourself feel better when you like someone and they're not into you, but there's not. Life just sucks that way sometimes." (AUTHOR'S NOTE: Actual advice from "Joe". Not bad, right?)
"I know." I was quiet for a minute. "I just wish I knew WHY he doesn't like me."
"Not going to help you." Joe tapped me with his pen. "Come on, let's finish this up."
A few hours later, I was not feeling better. I was so annoyed that I started yelling at Eliana on the phone.
"I just don't freaking understand why he is so freaking irritating!" I started. "I mean, we freaking talk every day for a few freaking weeks, and then...nothing! That's it, El, it's over!"
Beep. I glanced at my caller ID. It was Daniel.
Wow. I hadn't taken a look before but this is some good chick lit. Very Meg Cabot, the way it's done on a blog. Have you ever taken a look at her books that are all done in emails and post-its and stuff?
Haha! It's still really funny!
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