Thursday, May 18, 2006

ARGH! Death to Joe!

I was exhausted. I had a mailing for a huge client and I had slogging through the tedium all day. Ross was mercifully elsewhere, but I was stressed. I had to finish the mailing by 2, do follow up from an event the previous week, and create an ad for a client by 5, and in between that I had deadlines on the Marina Restoration Project. Deadlines that were ridiculous and imposed by Joe, who was getting increasingly superior and irritating with every day that went by. I never should have gone to him for advice. Ever.

I finished the mailing and sent an email to the office, reminding them that I would be leaving "early" tomorrow (if early is 6:00 pm). I immediately got a response from Joe:

Make sure we have an appointment with Marina Restoration Chairs before you leave. I'm not sure why this hasn't happened yet. If you have been emailing
them, then please copy me on ALL emails so that I have some idea of the progress. It should not be taking 3 weeks to make an appointment.

Um, who the hell died and made you my boss? I report to Ross. I reported to the executive director, and to my clients. Not Joe. I was fuming. Um, did I not have any other fecking work to do? I had just finished an event. Mailing. Ad. LIFE.

"What?' Lainie looked up from her desk.
"What?" I responded.
"I can feel the anger radiating off you." Lainie stood up and came over. "What happened?"
I pointed to the email. "Seriously. Do you think I am overreacting?"
Lainie scanned the email. "What a jerk!"
"Douchebag." I added.
"Arrogant prick."
"Evil Spawn."
"Evil Spawn." Lainie agreed.


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